This animation was created on these programs by: picture part Robert Nekl in LightWave 5.0 sound part Pavel Kocurek in Cool Edit 96, Yamaha CS1x + CS1x Edit 1.23, final mix in Adobe Premiere 4.2, encoding to MPEG-1 Layer 3 in XingMPEG 2.10c I started working on my biggest uncommercial animation in the end of 1997, and bit by bit finished in half of 1998. The screenplay of the first animation, after which the realisation began, is scanned for fun in file scenar.jpg. All objects, except Empire from Star Wars ( CD ROM LIGHT-ROM ), which has some changed textures, are my own. Every single cut of the animation equals one scene in LW and generally at first glance the same-looking objects are in fact different (different number of polygons, modifications for metamorph, usage of bones, etc.) Final tracing on my Amiga 1200/40 with Antialiasing - High, motion blur on and resolution 224x172 lasted for a whole week. For acquiring the highest possible picture quality with the smallest size of file, was the final version converted to MPEG-1. AVI in 24-bit colour depth had the unbelievable 161 MB! The animation in Ham8 being played in Scala MM300 has 27MB. Sounds were modified in various programs. Panning, Flanger and Reverb were added in Cool Edit 96. As a source-synthesizer I used my Yamaha CS1x with CS1x Edit 1.23 for PC. Additional encoding to Dolby Surround using external module for Cool Edit 96. Final cut and sample composition were made in Adobe Premiere 4.2. Robert Nekl Dvorakova 20 74101 Novy Jicin Czech Republic E-Mail: Pavel Kocurek Mankovice 81 74235 Novy Jicin Czech Republic E-Mail: Copyright (C) 1998 Robert Nekl & Pavel Kocurek